CFHT Observations

Proposals for CFHT Open for Semester 2025B

The 3.6 meter optical/infrared Canadian-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) is now open for proposals from all Taiwan-based researchers for semester 2025B. The deadline for proposal submission is:

2025 March 20th at 23:59 Taiwan time

We expect up to 2.5 nights to be allocated, depending on demand and quality of proposals. Available instruments for 2025B are MegaCam, WIRCam, ESPaDOnS, Sitelle, and SPIRou (some targets are reserved for the SPIRou Legacy Survey and cannot be accessed by other programs with the same science as the SLS). Detailed information on the telescope, available instrumentation, proposal format, and how to submit proposals is available from the CFHT web page:


All professional astronomers affiliated with Taiwanese academic institutes are eligible to apply for observing time.

Long-Term Proposals

A category of "long-term proposals" was created in 2014A for CFHT-Taiwan proposals. Proposals requesting for multi-semester observations or large amount of observing time should follow the guideline.

Exploratory Programs

To encourage innovative science, we will continue considering "exploratory" programs using MegaCam, WIRCam, Sitelle, or ESPaDOnS that require no more than 1 hour of observing time. Such proposals will not be refereed, but will be scrutinized by the TAC and allocated time based on scientific merit and feasibility. When submitting such proposals, please state at the beginning of the scientific justification that "This is an EXPLORATORY proposal".

Queued Service Observations Snapshot Programs

In addition, we would like to bring to your attention to the Queued Service (QSO) snapshot program. These are programs that can be executed with either MegaCam or WIRCam in relatively poor seeing conditions when the seeing is >1.2". Projects executed under the QSO snapshot program are not charged to the available observing time for Taiwan. Proposals to the QSO snapshot program will not be refereed, but will be scrutinized by the TAC for scientific value and feasibility.

Resubmission due to Lost Time

If your scheduled project from previous semesters was not completed for any reason (including bad weather), you will need to resubmit your proposal explaining why you need more time. Your proposal will be stronger if the available data has been analyzed, and you use this data to demonstrate that the stated science goals can be achieved with allocation of the full requested time.

Time Allocation Process

All new proposals, and where deemed necessary resubmitted proposals, are refereed by researchers selected by the Taiwan-CFHT TAC based on their demonstrated expertise in the relevant research fields. Apart from the referees comments, who are asked to evaluate primarily the scientific strength of the proposal, the Taiwan-CFHT TAC also takes into account technical feasibility. For those who have previously been scheduled observing time on the CFHT, the Taiwan-CFHT TAC will also take into account the status of previously executed projects and publications.

Contact Persons

If you have any questions or problems regarding the preparation of the proposals, please contact

  • Sitelle - Wei-Hao Wang (
  • MegaCam - Lihwai Lin (
  • WIRCam - Bau-Ching Hsieh (
  • ESPaDOnS - Hiro Takami (

Acknowledgement of Publications with CFHT Data

Publications based on data taken with and through Taiwan's access to the CFHT from Jan 1 2011 should contain the following acknowledgement:

Access to the CFHT was made possible by the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica.